Saturday, May 26, 2007

Spring Break!
Well, for some, it is well into Spring - for us, we are still waiting. it is May!!! More precisely, we wanted to go on a camping trip May 16, making use of our "new" tent (the one we bought last year AFTER our last camping trip !!!).
But the weather ...? With temperatures in Kingston around 14C daytime (high), and nights around 6C or less (frost warning ...), we are ready for something warmer.

We had dreams to visiting Connecticut - we never have been there, never visited Long Island Sound, and first indication was that the weather there was quite a bit warmer.

But the closer we came to our day of departure, the more the forecast changed, and was getting worse what we had in the forecast for Kingston.

Ok, change of plans, we are easy .... and looked for destinations more south: like Baltimore, or places in Virginia.
And that is what we did, leaving Wednesday early in the morning (the US border takes quite a bit of time because of my "alien" status) ... and arrieved at our destination SW of Baltimore at a decent time.

And YES, it was warm, summer like ... just perfect to wind down.

With a fresh coffee in my hand, ... I will make it into the day!

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