Friday, February 13, 2009

Waiting for weather in St-Martn. Luckily, we met great people and had a very nice time. Together with Angel and Janet of Tahimi, we celebrated Gerhold's birthday on Amphora and enjoyed Rita's fabulous meal... We spent quite a bit of time with them afterwards. Marleyne and Rita, besides doing watercolours and art, also enjoyed a good hand rolled vanilla cigar...girls just want to have fun! Yes.

Notre sempiternelle attente pour une meteo fut tres agreable a cause des gens tres sympa que nous avons rencontres! Avec Angel and Janet de Tahimi, on a celebre la fete de Gerhold sur Amphora. Rita avait prepare tout un festin. En plus de nous amuser a faire de l'aquarelle, Rita et Marleyne ont decouvert un autre hobby: les cigares!

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