Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ottley Hall! We left Bequia this morning after two heavy downpours and squalls. We had great weather crossing the St Vincent channel, however, and really enjoyed this last sail of the funny that we stop sailing in June here and at home, that's when it really starts being nicer...anyhow, at 11h30, we entered the bassin of Ottley Hall and at 12h30 the boat sat on the craddle....Everything went smooth. My captin was really not thrilled to back up in a 18 feet wide ramp for the travel lift with significant wind gusts pushing us in different directions ! But we managed! It was really time to lift the boat: check these pictures!

The things sticking out are growth, hariy algae...that would cover the entire bottom if Heiner had not been scrapping as often as he did...Luckily, he tried scrapping this afternoon and the stuff is easily removed.

More disturbing was to see the shells, barnacles and other creatures around the shaft ! Surprising that the prop still turned!

Left is a zinc, can you still see it??? Down below, it looks like somebody stucked sun dried tomatoes in there....

And left is the transducer........

1 comment:

Nomades said...

impressionnant! quelle marque de peinture anti-salissure aviez vous utilisé? À bientôt! les Nomades de retour à la maison