Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
While in Ottley Hall, we were given bananas..dessert bananas and figues, the yellow stubby ones! They are delicious...and ripe when their skin splits! Of course, they all ripen together...but they can be flambees, eaten raw or in fruit salad...or just like that, with a little rum. And, as our friends Karen and Lindsay are about to arrive here for a visit, they'll help us out!
Nous avons decide d'accrocher nos bananes dehors...comme ca, elles se croiront encore dans l'arbre!!! Ces bananes nous furent donnees en cadeau par un travailleur du chantier de Ottley Hall, Rudolf. Elles vont toutes murir en meme temps...ben, on fera du pain aux bananes, on les flambera, ou on les degustera comme ca, avec un ti-rhum. Pis n va les offrir aux amis qui arrivent sous peu..qui refuserait ces bananes exquises!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
After a smooth launch, we spent at least 30 minutes just outside the Ottley Hall Basin to re-attach the back stay and rig the furler. It was not easy as there is a lot of surge and the wind comes from all direction. But all went well and we had a great sail to Bequia, with an easterly breeze of 16 knots, little wave action, and no squalls. It was great to anchor, feel the breeze, and swimm...............we had 2 ice cold Carib beers and lunch in the cockpit, feeling almost unreal to be back cruising. LIFE IS GOOD.
BEQUIA - apres une mise a l'eau sans problemes, nous avons fait les quelques 7 milles entre Ottley Hall and Bequia en 1 heure - le vent etait doux a 16 noeuds, presque pas de vagues et avec notre coque bien propre et la peinture fraiche, nous faisions du 7 noeuds! De nous retrouver sur l'eau, d'avoir de l'air frais, et de nager etait tout simplement extatique! Et que dire de la biere Carib bien froide que nous avons prise avec le lunch...LA VIE EST BELLE.
Apres une rencontre fort animee avec le gerant du chantier hier apres-midi, nous avons enfin regle nos differents et "gagne " nos arguments. Mais, c'est lui qui nous met a l'eau ce matin alors esperons qu'il sera quand meme bien dispose....Nous serons heureux de mouiller a Bequia! en vacances!!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Monday, October 05, 2009
Yesterday, the heat would have been brutal as there was NO wind! but luckily, frequent cloudy periods made it more bearable.
Our work days have become more productive since we started getting up at 6h30 and working at 7am....more work hours and more showers!!!
We finalized several projects on the weekend, despite having gone to Kingstown on Saturday afternoon. We managed to finish the work below the waterline: all rusty spots sanded, with 2 coats of clear epoxy and 4 coats of white epoxy. The latter one thin and still soft so that the antifouling would stick to it. Then Heiner fixed the damage to the hull: sanded and applied clear and white epoxy. Today a bit of West System will be applied to make the dents less visible. And some rust in the cockpit along the seats and the main sheet track - whatever that thing is called##!!! - also sanded and epoxied. With's a lot of effort. When the temperature sinks to 29C during the night we find it cool!!!
The creole dinner was a very rustical thing organised by a community group (to fight local youth violence) and taking place in one of the street of Kingstown. There were several different fish dishes, black fish (small whale), smoked hering, and salt cod. There was some breadfruit, plantain, and dasheen...this is some veggie very popular here but not so good looking or great tasting for us! Anyhow, the whole thing was fun and we went there with a scottish family also working on their boat in the yard...their daughter has been getting involved with the local groups and sold us tickets for this dinner. We then went to a concert of steeldrums by a local youth band - the kids were great and played wonderfully, without music sheets and with lots of rhytm. We had rum and ginger ale...4/5 rum and 1/5 ginger ale..the right proportion!
Today Monday, we will go back into Kingstown for a bit of shopping, and also to have a drink with a man whom we met on the Liat flight from Trinidad to here. We met him on Saturday while strolling in the town streets and decided to have a drink together...
It's to go back to work...
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Yesterday after our workday, we went to town with Tony and had a couple of Hairoun beers in a nice local restaurant. We enjoyed the ride through the mountains and came back to the boat less tired than when we left...
Our work is going well: rust has been removed from both sides of the underwater hull and the first coat of clear epoxy has been applied. We have to get up a little earlier though...
Avant le paradis, c'est le purgatoire comme dirait mon amie Carole. Ben elle a raison, on va l'avoir notre paradis. Mais le purgatoire est chaud et je voudrais pas connaitre l'enfer ici!
Notre travail va bon train malgre la chaleur...mais le corps n'est pas encore habitue a tant d'effort physiques!!! Carpe diem...