Thursday, January 12, 2012

We have not updated the blog since last year??? Wow...time flies when you are having a good time. After our Christmas in Montreal, we visited our good friends Carole and Daniel and family in Saint-Denis de Brompton. We enjoyed their hospitality in their new home on the was a stormy kind of weather but we had a great time, sitting around the fire, chatting, playing with our electronic gadgets!!! and eating and drinking of course! Plus, Daniel and Heiner started to build Daniel's ICE boat...

Ah! oui, avant de commencer à raconter nos aventures de 2012, il faut absolument remercier nos amis Carole et Daniel et leurs jeunes du bel accueil qu'ils nous ont réservé dans leur nouveau home de l'Estrie!!! En plus de relaxer tout le monde ensemble au coin du feu, Daniel et Heiner ont commencé la construction du bolide qui devrait aller sur la glace ...à suivre!!!

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