Thursday, August 07, 2008

Already August! the number of projects has been diminishing and we managed to go sailing for a weekend and to invite our (street) neighbours Leslie and Mike for a wine-and-dine cruise! See, that's how happy sailing make people!
Nous voilà déjà au moins d'août et à force de faire des listes de projets, leur nombre a considérablement diminué point que nous avons pu aller faire de la voile en fin de semaine dernière et même invité nos voisins Leslie et Mike à faire une petite croisière en fin d’après-midi : n’ont-ils pas l’air ravi?

1 comment:

Nomadique said...

You shopaholic you-no wonder you're hiding in a boat with all that unglamorous loot-no pirate worth his salt will approach LBV for that!!! good idea to camouflage the rum with pepto bismol though. Anyhoo we all know that cruising is only 5% glamourous and the rest, huh?

very glad you're off. Güte reise and fair winds.

PS I got the name Wifwing when I had a rather acrobatic landing near the only tree in a field...those silly frogs who teach us didn't know how to say Flying Woman hihihi