Friday, November 07, 2008

Still in Beaufort...still waiting...and wondering what Pamela, the storm and hurricane, will do and when...We are trying to be as peaceful and relaxed as the ponies but it is challenging. So much easier to talk about this kind of issues when you sit in an armchair or a a dock somewhere! Anyhow, we are making the last preparations, listened to weather news on SSB, plot our tracks and try to take a calculated risk...The Caribbean Rally of 80 boats left Norfolk today at 11h00! We on the other hand have calculated that departing on Sunday may be our best option. But our plans can change...Are you tired of reading always similar entries in the last days? Well, we are too!
Nous sommes encore ici a attendre..on se prepare tout en gardant un oeil et nos oreilles sur les six milles (!) modeles de prediction du passage de Paloma apres qu'elle aura traverse les Bahamas. C'est vraiment pas evident et tres stressant de planifier un passage de cette longueur la...enfin, nous partirons peut-etre dimanche, tout dependemment des nouvelles meteo. Ca vous ennuie de toujours lire la meme chose depuis quelques jours? Et bien, nous aussi!

1 comment:

Nomades said...

belle photo Marleyne. Très zen en effet. Bon courage!