Another day in paradise....not really! Absolutely not....
Heiner is sanding the hull after having had it power cleaned...lots of uneven spots..he's taking a shower every 3 hours to refresh and clean. It is very hot, 30+ in the sun but luckily a breeze has been blowing for an hour or so...
The damages caused by the yard are more severe than believed yesterday: 2 nails were coming out of the wooden pads holding the hull..guess what the hull looks like at that place.
We will have supplementary work...3-5 days just because of their sloppiness. We are not happy.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The flight from Port of Spain to St Vincent via Liat Airlines was delayed by one hour...not an incommon situation we were told! As soon as we touched Trinidad, I took off my no stress. We were just very sleepy from our night spent in the plane - the movie in the plane was Star Trek - so we watched it. Anyway, I aways sleep better in front of the TV!
It was really nice to look at the islands from! we had sailed fthrough and to so many of them! The weather got rainy and squally when we approached Bequia and St Vincent but the rain stopped as soon as we got here. Heiner waited with the luggage at the airport and found a taxi while I went shopping to SunShine Foodstores for eggs, butter...and rum, of course. The basics....
After reacquainting ourselves with the steep hills and roads and the beautiful green and lush landscapes of the area , we found our ship! She had been moved to another spot. The moving did some minor damage (but certainly a good of hours worth sanding and painting...) to the paint of the hull...we are not happy about this!
Otherwise, we were very relieved to find the interior dusty but with no damages due to humidity or bugs...not ONE weevil in our food!!!!
Yesterday was spent cleaning and resorting the stuff that we bought at home...and after supper, and a little rum, we went to bed at 18h30...and slept until 7h00 this morning. The mosquitoes forced us to put the screens on and so it was a hot hot night (30C...).
As I am writing this, the sun shines and there is a refreshing breeze blowing (20Knots)...the huge bamboo trees are full of birds and the sea is blue. It makes it all worth it after all....
It was really nice to look at the islands from! we had sailed fthrough and to so many of them! The weather got rainy and squally when we approached Bequia and St Vincent but the rain stopped as soon as we got here. Heiner waited with the luggage at the airport and found a taxi while I went shopping to SunShine Foodstores for eggs, butter...and rum, of course. The basics....
After reacquainting ourselves with the steep hills and roads and the beautiful green and lush landscapes of the area , we found our ship! She had been moved to another spot. The moving did some minor damage (but certainly a good of hours worth sanding and painting...) to the paint of the hull...we are not happy about this!
Otherwise, we were very relieved to find the interior dusty but with no damages due to humidity or bugs...not ONE weevil in our food!!!!
Yesterday was spent cleaning and resorting the stuff that we bought at home...and after supper, and a little rum, we went to bed at 18h30...and slept until 7h00 this morning. The mosquitoes forced us to put the screens on and so it was a hot hot night (30C...).
As I am writing this, the sun shines and there is a refreshing breeze blowing (20Knots)...the huge bamboo trees are full of birds and the sea is blue. It makes it all worth it after all....
Nous voila bien arrives a St Vincent mais apres une attente assez longue a l'aeroport Piarco car le vol de Liat etait en retard d'une heure..ce qui arrive assez souvent.
Nous avions hate d'arriver et la vue panoramique des iles entourees de sable blanc nous a remis ds le bon mood. Nous etions cependant tres fatigues de notre periple et nous avons dormi 12 heures en ligne malgre la chaleur assez insupportable pour le moment. Notre corps n'est pas encore 30C plus le jour et 30c la nuit.
Bonnes et mauvaises surprise: pas de moisissures ni de bibittes nulle part...mais un gros menage de rangement a faire! On a trop achete d'affaires!
La mauvaise surprise: le bateau a ete transporte a un autre lieu sur le chantier! Il y avait une pierre dans la courroie ce qui a cause une grosse craque dans la peinture de la coque...a un autre endroit, deux clous ont transperce le bois des supports du bateau et ont aussi cause un dommage a la peinture de la coque! PLusieurs heures suplementaires de travail ...
Monday, September 28, 2009
6h45..we are having breakfast outside to finally get a feel for the hot humid and sunny weather. We are back in the Caribbean! The airport of Port of Spain is very modern..with free WiFi..better than what we got so far in Canada!

Our flight with Liat Airlines will depart in about 1.5 hour...we are so looking forward to see the baot again!!!
Our flight with Liat Airlines will depart in about 1.5 hour...we are so looking forward to see the baot again!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
While we were preparing for our departure, we learned that Orlando (Mauri), the brother of Marleyne’s dad, had died. His death follows that of Anna, his wife, by less than a month. We were very much saddened by this double loss. We were pleased, however, to be able to join the extended Mauri family in Montreal to a last farewell before our departure. It was wonderful and touching to meet Orlando’s large family and his friends, and to celebrate his life and his memories. To see pictures of Paul (Marleyne’s dad) and Orlando clowning around and to show off their fishing catch. Some sad memories, some funny ones…but that is life! That is Orlando. That is Anna. May both of them rest in peace!
L’un des aspects les plus difficiles de la croisière est sûrement l’éloignement de la famille et des amis restes au pays...on manque souvent des événements, des fêtes, des réunions parce qu’on est loin! Récemment, le frère de mon père, Orlando est décédé a l’age vénérable de 88 ans. Ceci est survenu une semaine a peine après celui de sa chère Anna. Malgré la tristesse causée par cette double perte, nous avons au moins été en mesure de prendre les dernières jours avant notre départ pour aller a Montréal nous recueillir avec la familia Mauri et pour dire adieu a Orlando et Anna.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Our stay on Wolfe Island has come to an
end. Gorgeous fall weather with golden light, fresh fallen leaves scent and blue blue skies...We celebrated this end of summer at Big Sandy Bay Park just around the corner of our summer cottage.
Walking on the long sandy beach, we could not help thinking that in one week from now, we'd do the same thing but this time with 10C degrees more...
Voila la fin de notre sejour sur l"ile Wolfe. En cette merveilleuse journee d'automne, nous en avons profite pour aller nous promener au parc provincial Big Sandy Bay. Le ciel bleu sans nuage, l'air parfume de feuilles et plantes... En nous promenant sur cette plage au sable blanc, parfois brun ou rose, nous pensions aux plages des Antilles sur lesquelles nous allions nous retrouver dans une semaine....mais cette fois avec l'eau et l'air ayant plus de 10c qu'en cette journee.
Walking on the long sandy beach, we could not help thinking that in one week from now, we'd do the same thing but this time with 10C degrees more...
Voila la fin de notre sejour sur l"ile Wolfe. En cette merveilleuse journee d'automne, nous en avons profite pour aller nous promener au parc provincial Big Sandy Bay. Le ciel bleu sans nuage, l'air parfume de feuilles et plantes... En nous promenant sur cette plage au sable blanc, parfois brun ou rose, nous pensions aux plages des Antilles sur lesquelles nous allions nous retrouver dans une semaine....mais cette fois avec l'eau et l'air ayant plus de 10c qu'en cette journee.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The weather forecast sounded great, we had managed to locate our camping stuff in the attic, we felt like we decided to head to Massachussets and re-visit Boston and area...last time we were there was 20 years ago! Nous avions deniche nos trucs de camping, la meteo s'annoncait super belle, on avait envie d'un petit voyage, alors nous sommes alles revisiter le Massachussets et Boston! Il y avait deja 20 ans depuis notre derniere visite!
A picture is worth thousand words and a million weather forecasts! It was very cool, windy and we discovered, too late, that the rainproofing of our tent was no longer there! We had already done an incursion in the lovely Italian quarter, visited Charlestown, Harvard, saw Imax movies at the Science after finding our sleeping quarters completely drenched, we decided to say ByeBye Boston! Comme en temoigne cette photo, la meteo fut moins que clemente! Nous avons quand meme brave les intemperies et visite le quartier italien, Charlestown, Harvard, le Musee des Sciences...mais nous avons decide de mettre fin a ce sejour quand une pluie torrentielle a inonde notre quartier general! On s'est quand meme bien amuse!
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