Saturday, September 12, 2009

The weather forecast sounded great, we had managed to locate our camping stuff in the attic, we felt like we decided to head to Massachussets and re-visit Boston and area...last time we were there was 20 years ago! Nous avions deniche nos trucs de camping, la meteo s'annoncait super belle, on avait envie d'un petit voyage, alors nous sommes alles revisiter le Massachussets et Boston! Il y avait deja 20 ans depuis notre derniere visite!
A picture is worth thousand words and a million weather forecasts! It was very cool, windy and we discovered, too late, that the rainproofing of our tent was no longer there! We had already done an incursion in the lovely Italian quarter, visited Charlestown, Harvard, saw Imax movies at the Science after finding our sleeping quarters completely drenched, we decided to say ByeBye Boston! Comme en temoigne cette photo, la meteo fut moins que clemente! Nous avons quand meme brave les intemperies et visite le quartier italien, Charlestown, Harvard, le Musee des Sciences...mais nous avons decide de mettre fin a ce sejour quand une pluie torrentielle a inonde notre quartier general! On s'est quand meme bien amuse!

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