Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 11th already...Stores have begun to play Christmas music since last week...good thing that the "reggae" sound tones its down a bit...way to early for us! Besides, we don't think of Xmas when it's 30C and sunny...

Time passes quickly...we thought that we could do some sightseeing BEFORE our next set of friends gets here but no, maintenance work oblige...we have not done anything very touristy. We went to St Georges with the minibus from Woburn..it's a nice ride and we love walking around St Georges Carenage, walking up Young street, buy a vegetarian roti at the "D Roti Shop" and go shopping for fish and veggies.

After a nice couple of meals with fresh tuna, we had marlin last weekend. We are not raw fish lovers so we have to come up with different recipes: blackened or in a coconut milk sauce with plantains or okras...we love every version of fresh fish.

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