Monday, July 25, 2011

With so many interesting sights, and only 4 full days in Rome, we made a schedule of the must-see: First, the Saint-Peter Basilica.  We spent more than 4 hours in the Basilica, just marveling at this chef-d'oeuvre. Its construction lasted more than 100 years and most famous architects and artists took part in its construction and decoration. The definitive design was that of Michelangelo...

The result was the superb and largest church of Christianity consecrated by the Pope Urban VIII in 1826.  Yes, one feels very humble in this large and rich place. Every inch of walls and ceiling and floors is a work of art.

In the center of the basilica, is Michelangelo's dome which rises 130 meters above ground! It rises exactly over the place where Saint-Peter was buried.

Just as striking is the bronze baldaquino with its twisted columns above the altar: a work of art by Bernini. It is breathtaking how every cm of the bronze columns is ornamented.  In the vicinity, the statue of St Peter seated on a marble see from the early Renaissance, dressed with the philosophical stole, with his left hand holding the keys close to his chest and the right raised in the act of blessing. His right foot protrudes from the previously mentioned base, which is worn by the kisses of the devout.

After 4 hours in this "world of art" we needed fresh air and decided to go and stroll around the roman forum...sampling gelati! The night before, Heiner had tasted a gelato with Bacia flavour! He was in love...and he kept searching for this wonderful experience. He probably sampled all the Bacia flavour of the city!

And he never found a better tasting Bacia ice than by Blue Ice Gelato, just around the corner of the Vatican...

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