Thursday, April 23, 2009

After sailing up and down the west coast of Martinique, it was time to explore its Atlantic shores and discover its tropical forests! We rented a car with Pam and Bill on board s/y Songbird and early morning on Tuesday we “boarded” our air conditioned little diesel car and up we went! (For those wondering, renting a car was very affordable at 33euros for 24 hours and we had to fuel for 19euros at the end of the day). We left from le Marin and headed straight to the Atlantic coast to destinations such as Le Vauclin, Le Francois, and Le Robert. All these towns are famous for their white sand beaches and coves. Places that we could only visit by boat if the trade winds are really mild..which of course happens most frequently in summer months! Otherwise, the landscape was one of rolling hills, banana crops, and grazing cattles offering at some turns of the road glimpses of the Big Blue!

Entretemps, nous connaissions bien la cote ouest de l’ile et nous avions envie de decouvrir la cote atlantique et les forets topicales du cœur de l’ile. Nous avons donc decide de louer une auto et de faire ce periple avec un couple de plaisanciers que nous aimons bien, Pam et Bill du voilier Songbird. Notre route allait nous mener du mouillage du Marin jusqu'au littoral atlantique. Les villes du Vauclin, de Le Francois, Le Robert sont paisibles, mignonnes sans plus, leur veritables attrait etant leurs plage aux sables blanc ! Mais voila, les plages on en voit sans arret alors nous avons bien vite fait de continuer la route …

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