Thursday, April 23, 2009

And so, on the way back, we drove past Fort-de-France, Terres-Saintville with hundred of houses glued to its rocky hills, it was a nice contrast to the lush greenery of the mountains! And there were traffic jams..but all of this was not that as bad as it may sound! We were in such good company! Pam and Bill entertained us, humming soft jazz tunes as we slowly drove back to Le Marin. They were great company and contributed to make this trip a truly unforgettable experience! Notre chemin du retour nous amena vers la vue de Terres-Sainville avec ses maisons a flanc de colline contrastait avec la nature sauvage d’où nous revenions! Evidemment, c’etait l’heure de pointe…pas beau d’etre dans le traffic aux environs de Fort-de-France a cette heure! Mais nos chers amis Pam et Bill, en plus d’etre de tres bonne compagnie, nous ont fait l’honneur de quelques air de jazz qui ont fait passer cette heure de traffic tres agreablement!

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